Today I´m going to talk about a poem that I read,his poem talks about how is a woman when she is in love, for example the poem says that while most of people sleep at night, a woman who is fall in love can´t sleep or in other words her eyes keep open, because she thinks in that men whom she has interest, and also poem´s author says that her love appear in her dreams and with tears seek him earnestly, but afortunately that man who she thinks, always is with her in bad and in good moments of her life, because someone who wants you will always be with you whatever happens and never will get hurt you and he will always protect of somoething or someone who want hurt your feelings.
I think love is one of the most wonderful things we have in the life, and I believe when someone really has interest on you, he/she will always be with you and will support when decisions you make in the life, I also think someone who love you is not selfish and give you all his love and warmth, that person also cheer up when you most need, and share with you good and bad moments.
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